Monday, July 27, 2009
Posted by:VICTORIA!
Time: 5:19 PM
5 minutes school day~!
♥ is good 4 life
so say NO 2 ENGLISH

ENGLISH was bloody BORING!
how can ONE tchr make 1 hr 10 mins
so unbearably miserable?

i wish school started at 2pm.
and ended at 2.05pm
each subject would haf 30secs
dat way by the time we've
finally calmed down and greeted
the tchr, lesson would haf ended

hahaha. ok dat was a bunch of crap.
nothing else to add...

Saturday, July 25, 2009
Posted by:VICTORIA!
Time: 11:04 AM
boredom aint healthy
hi ppl. im DAMN bored. so...l8r goona go parkway with sarah(unless she cancels last minute,jkjk)to buy ingredients 4 the home ec prjt.
gonna cook...sweet&sour fish(:



Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Posted by:VICTORIA!
Time: 2:32 PM
th hottest sari EVER
hi. OMG. today was DAMN FUN(: we celebrated racial harmony today!we had to design a costume out of recycled stuff AND I WAS THE MODEL 4 MY GRP(: angelica and aurelia were kinda wrapping me up with ALOT of newspapers/aluminium foil. faradina and sze min were cutting out stars and flowers. nadia cut out the scotch tape. sarah made BANGLES. wayne tied a piece of string on me. hong sheng was being SICK.and I was DOING NOTHING(:

in 1D, our models were...DRUMROLLS*
model 1-> low yu, in a samuri outfit
model 2-> mun keong, in a bangaledish outfit
model 3-> jin jye, a malay satay auntie...i think
model 4-> YOURS TRULY, in a sari outfit(:

then all th models had to go in front
and we had a photography session!
almost every1 was taking pics of all the models(i got no pics...go sarah's blog to see)

ME ME ME ME ME!(credits to my AWESOME grp)
Mun Keong. haha

den photographers came and i had to take pic with mk, which was....which was kinda awkward....

ok...den a lady tchr came in and asked us abt our costumes.
aurelia totally rocks at making speeches
mk, on the other hand, was kinda talking FUNNY CRAP.lols

den we could FINALLY FINALLY FINALLY rip off all our costumes!(i couldn't sit or lift up my left hand while in the costume cos it might tear...)
me, jojo, sarah and e few other ppl tried stuffing all the rubbish in the rubbish can.we eventually did it(: but hasbi and gang opened it again and ALL the rubbish exploded out LOLS.

den went hme, took 31 with shu en(:


Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Posted by:VICTORIA!
Time: 6:07 PM
rah rah rah
HAHAHA:D ok, i changed the blog skin again cos A) i was bored and B) i like the current one better(:

but there's 1 problem:
THE DAMN CBOX IS SCREWED UP, i think, i hope not.
AHHH! heck care abt dat DAMN cbox. i'll fix it. EVENTUALLY.
yea yea nothing else to add except for the fact that i seriously LOVEEEEEE laughing!
haha:) k, BYE

Monday, July 20, 2009
Posted by:VICTORIA!
Time: 7:05 PM
hi hi ppl! changed my blogskin!:)YAY! it was damn tiring you noe! i screwed it up like 5 billion times before i finally got the damn thing right!!!
kk..dats all...

Saturday, July 18, 2009
Posted by:VICTORIA!
Time: 11:29 AM
hi ppl. I HAVE MOVED rather bad at starting a post...wad to write?
hmmm...i'll just post 'bout my goes...

nothing much happened...i also kinda 4got wad happened....

forgot too...hahaha i got bad memory...

had MANGA ART. drew new stuff...blablabla...

ah ber made me chao all th ting xie words, 20 freakin times PER WORD!
OMG. i hate dat bloody women. thank goodness my DEAR DEAR DEAR friends helped me chao!:) to the ppl hu helped me(shu en, sze min and ofc SARAH): YOU ROCK! and i <3333333333 YOU SO FREAKIN MUCH! ANYTIME U NID HELP FRM ME, JUST ASK!!! LOVE you to the MAX! oh, and during DRAMA, sze min was the professor and her topic was abt ME! I SO DID NT LAUGH AT A STONE! I LAUGHED AT THE AIR! HELLO? LOLS. and yes, i AM crazy;D

during maths, was playing "baseball" with WC:) hahaha...den during sci, dat bloody tchr was so bloody boring! OMG I WANT MRS ANG BACK, NT DAT DAMN MS LEE. so i wasn't paying any attention during sci(but like every1 wasn't paying attention either...) instead, i was trying to figure out hu DANIEL is...still dun really noe hu he is...SHIT. and JOJO, my crazy new chairman was laughing NON-STOP during sci for no reason wadsoeva, HE CAUGHT MY LAUGHING DISEASE:) oh, and MARIN caught it as well, yay:) MY LAUGHING DISEASE SHALL CONQUER THE WHOLE OF TK!den aft sch, got sprayed with water by damn MK numerous times-.- THANKS ALOT MK. den went back to my NEW HME. AND TOOK 31! YAY:D

ok g2g BYE:)

PS POOP is a funny word:)

Sunday, July 12, 2009
Posted by:VICTORIA!
Time: 12:13 PM
IM MOVING!:) im gonna move officially on THURSDAY NIGHT. i shall be taking 31 aft my move!:) isn't that so awesome?! i dont have to take the same bus as that bloody RBB anymore!! I. AM. ELATED.

nothing else to add...
so BYE.
(sarah, i hope you're no longer bored:D)

Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Posted by:VICTORIA!
Time: 5:01 PM
I grew taller! by 4 pathetic now im 158cm!:) Dawn is so tall! she's like 163cm? thats so "shockable"<-first word that came into my mind when i found out oh, AND i weigh as much as an ELEPHANT! i am NOT thin! so sad:(

School was okay...Science was so...SUCKISH(at least for the first period)i HATE that damn sci tchr! she has hearing, talking AND teaching probs! the onli thing she's good at is making sci soooo BORING! me&khalisah were talkingtalking and NT paying attention:) history was so FUN:) me and sze min were laughing at EVERYTHING, Ms Tan looked at us in a "freaked out" way... Mrs valerie tan didn't gif us a 1hr lecture abt our attire today! miracles do happen!:) assembly was...UGH. we did MATH for assembly! thats just PURE cruelty! den took bus hme...and that freakin RBB TOOK 135 TOO! he RUINED the plan! ARGH! but like wad sarah said, i DID NOT die! i SURVIVED!:D

Monday, July 6, 2009
Posted by:VICTORIA!
Time: 6:43 PM
hi:) haven posted in a while, ya? uh, so posting now:)happy?
so...ytd i watched wall-e. and OMG wall-e is soooo(x1000) adorable!
the way he says Eve's name is so CUTE(he says it like this: eeeeeeeeeeee-ve)

and the ppl in the movie are all so FAT!
cos they nvr leave their "floating chairs"
and robots do all the work for them

OH and cant wait to FINALLY see marin tomorrow:)

Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Posted by:VICTORIA!
Time: 5:02 PM
Father Abraham!!:) now im sitting behind Marin, in front of Nadia&Sarah and next to sze min! we're arranged by our ignite grp.:) ok so today i was singing cheers for almost the whole day!:) the ppl around me(sarah, sze min& nadia) tot it was stupid at first, but den they eventually started to sing along:D yay...i sang a VARIETY of cheers like: father Abraham, banana song(Sarah liked dis) and flea fly!!! i still like father Abraham the best:)))


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