Sunday, January 31, 2010
Posted by:VICTORIA!
Time: 11:12 AM
you are the thunder; i am the lightning.
im finally updating xp
tk road run was fun...
went to Aurelia&Angelica'a hse with sarah, sze min &faradina
i was STARVING, and nobody else was hungry!
your stomachs are all so freaky!
andand helped a grp of sec 1s reach the place.
hahaha now they'll never frgt my name!!!
PLUS. camp craft is so awesome!
im killing everybody's brain cells!
LOL. wei ling's brain cells are LONG GONE! (:
lalala. ok BYEEEEEEEEEE!

Sunday, January 10, 2010
Posted by:VICTORIA!
Time: 3:51 PM
friday night beneath the stars
i am officially a LANCE COPORAL!
friday had muster parade and i got PROMOTED!!! (:
bt the stupid sir go pronounce my name like this:
Chang MOON Cheng! freak.
we were at th canteen cos of lightning alert, so very cramped.
i had to squeeze past a dustbin! plus i was th FIRST girl to get her rank!
i was so god damn nervous! HO was there!!! SCARY.
then i was also th very first person to get th other badges.
i was freaking out whan they called me!
bt anyway, now i can pump sec 1s! awesome shit.
speaking of sec 1s....
saturday had cca recruitment. me, wei ling, hamizah, fion, debra& POOFY,
went arnd th school stealing all th girls from other CCAs! (:
we stole most girls from girl guides! haha (:
me and wei ling stood beside th guides booth and started seducing girls! (:
we'll go: GIRL ALERT GIRL ALERT!! (:
we told th girls tht th guys in npcc were gentlemanly and HOT!
HAHAA!!!! like real, only 1/37827484728167836784 of th guys in npcc fall in tht category...
andandand... this reallyreally REALLY hot sec one guy signed his name up for npcc interviews!!!!
oh my god! me and wei ling started hopping and screaming like mad! (:
then we also got into this debate with a sec 1 girl abt which guy in npcc was hot.
sarah! she tot sir S**** was UGLY! hahha. sarah's jaw will probably drop when she reads this. (:
we even showed tht girl all th guys in npcc, she still say they're all ugly!
like wth. she got damn high standards! even th sec 4s are ugly to her!
then sir "poking" heard our debate! (: LOL!
he said: eh, you girls promoting npcc or matchmaking th girls?!
but luckily, he didn't pump me&weiling (: phewww....

kay then got training after cca recruitment.
all th girls were so tired tht we lay down on th grass! (:
and i was trying to rmbr wei mun's(sp?) name!
hahaha, i laughed like mad tht day! even felicia wanted to throw her shoe at me!
LOL (:
yeah. it was quite fun... (:
ok bye now! (:

Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Posted by:VICTORIA!
Time: 3:45 PM
kiss me quick but make it last
school's started. still quite slack which is good.
tchrs are really suckish. except for a few, like Miss Quan. (: haha, she loves sean.
had training ytd. im starting to enjoy it, just by a tiny little bit.. (:
mdm hazi will be so happy to hear tht..
tmr got training aggain, then friday got npcc.
crap. drills and pt. shit.
saturday got cca recruitment..cant sleep in ):

i'm really starting to loathe all these damn reaction tests.
its really sick. freak.

ok, gotta gogogogo!!
BYE! (:

Friday, January 1, 2010
Posted by:VICTORIA!
Time: 12:47 PM
got plenty of beer
its th FIRST day of 2010! (:
i hope we won't get annihilated in 2012... starts on monday! boo.
i am so NOT looking forward to it!
school starting=more homework.less free time.
tmr going to school to put banners up!
im going to tear down NCC posters and replace them with NPCC posters!
and there's nth you can do about it! HAH! xp
ok, fine..actually you can report me to th principal and tht would have stopped me...
kay, i nid to go now!
BYE!!!!!!!!!!! (:


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