Thursday, June 25, 2009
Posted by:VICTORIA!
Time: 12:24 PM
does anybody have any idea how to write that bloody Tk experience speech???????

Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Posted by:VICTORIA!
Time: 6:09 PM

OK, victoria, CALM DOWN.
I've got sumting REEEEEEEEEAAAAAALLLLLLLY MAJOR to declare!!!!
I FINALLY GOT A NEW PHONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

anyways, just came back frm that bloody npcc camp!
we ate maggie mee, biscuits and canned food for the past 3 days!
we slept on the 3B classroom tables
pathetic,ya? sigh*

g2g now.

Saturday, June 20, 2009
Posted by:VICTORIA!
Time: 5:36 PM
went shopping with my mommy on friday:)))
sooooo fun! hahaha! ok, being hyper now
(just had lots of coffee)
i got....

  • 1 pair of jeans:D IT WAS ON SALE!!!
  • a yellow shirt with a pic of Popeye's gf (Olive Oyl)!!!!
  • and....a myuk hp pouch or smth like that!!!!! YAY!!! i've wanted that for sooooo long alrdy!!!:)))))))))) was soooo "awesome-ly" fun!!!:D

ok, shall go irratate Wesley now:) BYE!

Thursday, June 18, 2009
Posted by:VICTORIA!
Time: 10:58 AM
ok, first: thanks to these ppl:
  • sarah for updating ur blog:)
  • khalisah for tagging my blog:)

ok, second: i am so bored!!!

well...i shld be doing homework now...but urgh..homework doesn't sound very fun either...

lalalalala....sooooooooo bored.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Posted by:VICTORIA!
Time: 2:08 PM
listening to this random lady singing a few random songs...omg! she has such a gorgeous voice:) seriously!
go search this lady on youtube! she has such awesome vocals!

ok, anyway today got the NPCC road safety thingy, so i had to wake up super early!!! ok, fine. not really...abt 6.45am. so uh...went to ecp, went through a toturous loooooong "assembly", had a short break. during the short break, me&shuen were taking a video of the back of sum random guy's head! it was HILARIOUS! and he didn't even notice! HAHAHAHA:D den had a damn idiotic test, which btw was rather easy:]

oh! oh! oh! and im gonna get my NPCC uniform aft school reopens!:) FINALLY!

ok, sam is waiting for me. so bye!

Monday, June 15, 2009
Posted by:VICTORIA!
Time: 2:09 PM
OMG! OMG! OMG! my dad said that he MIGHT get me a NEW PHONE!!!!! do you noe how old my current phone is?? its like...2yrs old! okay, fine that isn't super old....but i still want a new phone so badly!<- i noe i sound like a spoilt brat...

oh, and sam finally came back frm malaysia!! YIPEEEEEE... she said that she went to penang, ate alot of food and got fat, isn't that just SUPERB?:) uh, wad else is there for me to happy abt? hmmmmm.....i've finished 4 gan xiangs already:) wesley is away at camp:)) i finally stopped eating:))) is SUCH a happy day:)

Saturday, June 13, 2009
Posted by:VICTORIA!
Time: 5:36 PM
Class PARTY gathering
today was the class party. BUT sadly, less than a quarter of the class came, to be more specific, nine ppl came. it was still fun though:) so den went bowling. I OFFICIALLY SUCK AT BOWLING! seriously! ask any1 hu came! i SUCK!!! if it weren't for ppl helping me to play, i'll probably haf abt 11 points max!!! raphael, marin& keith were trying to help me.
this was their advice:
Marin: keep ur arm straight! and bowl the ball straight!
Keith: use more force when your'e bowling!
Raphael: AIM! AIM! AIM!
so i was trying to combine all their advices together:D
ok, anyway...I SAW WAYNE AT THE BOWLING ALLEY!!!!(not the 1d Wayne, a guy frm my church camp 2yrs ago)OMG!!! SAM&JINGYI probably noe why im freakin out so much:D uh...den went to arcade den went hme.

ok shall do quiz tagged by my very dear&good fren, SARAH JANE TAN XIN HUI! btw since i obviously dont haf that many tags, im going to:
a) tag ppl hu haf no blogs
b) tag ppl hu haf already done this quiz
so if you dont haf a blog/already done this quiz and i've tagged you, just ignore,k?:)

17. SHU EN
18. JINGYI(ok, now frm 18 onwards, no blog)
19. HONG SHENG(frm 19 onwards, went to class party!:D)
1.How did you meet 7?(SAMANTHA!!!) omg! loooong story....first we were enemies...den in p3, became BEST BUDS!

2.What would you do if you and 15 never met?(JACQUELINE!!) OMG!!!! if i never met her, lots of awesome-ly fun things wouldn't haf happened!!! if it weren't for her, this blog wouldn't even EXIST!!!!

3.What you do if 20 and 1 dated?(ANGELICA&WAYNE) again, HAHAHAHAHA:D it'll be okay...but they'll look strange!

4.Have you seen 17 cried ?(SHU EN)

5.Would 4 and 16 make a good couple ?(WESLEY&MELISSA) OMG!!! WES is 5yrs younger than MELISSA!! they'll look damn damn damn damn WEIRD!

6.Do you think 11 is attractive ?(SARAH) i ain't les but yeaps! she's lyke the prettiest in class!

7.What is 2's favourite colour?(WEI CHIEH) no idea.... black?

8.When was the last time you talked to 9 ?(STEPHANIE) omg!!!! if you mean verbally, den i tink the last time i talked to her was lyke...7mnths ago or smth like that, so depressingly sad!! sobs* I MISS THAT DAMN GIRL!!!

9.What language does 8 speak ?(SHAWN) uh...english? he's not very good in chinese...

10.Who is 13 going out with?(MARIN) no one...i tink

11.Would you ever date 16 ?(MELISSA) NOOOOOOO! we ain't les!

12.What is the best thing about 4 ?(WESLEY) he actually falls for the "puppy dog eyes" trick...heehee:)

13.What would you like to tell 10 right now ?(KEITH) YOU ABSOLUTELY ROCK AT BOWLING!!!!!! SERIOUSLY!:D

14.What's the relationship between you and 20?(WAYNE) classmates and frens!:)

15.Have you ever kissed 2 ?(WEI CHIEH) NO! NO WAY!

16.What's the best memory you have of 5 ?(DAWN) the time when we went beach-cleaning and we drew stick-figures of the ppl in class on her notebook:)

17.When's the next time you're gonna see 12?(SHI QUAN) uh...when school reopens...i tink. but i just saw him today:)

18.How is 7 different from 6 ?(RAPHAEL&SAMANTHA) raphael is a guy, sam is a girl...a HUGE difference!!

19.Is 2 pretty?(WEI CHIEH) HAHAHAHA:D wei chieh isn't pretty. but he does look lyke skinner frm ratatouille:)

20.Whats your impression of 21?(JEN YANG) uh...a really STRICT vice-chairman:)

21.How did you meet 3?(AURELIA)uh..nt sure, i 4got alrdy...but i noe that we're both CRAZY!:)

ok, finished:) bye.

Friday, June 12, 2009
Posted by:VICTORIA!
Time: 10:29 AM
1st quiz, whoopee.
Went to Bugis with Jac and Wes yesterday!:D went to Mac, the arcade and then proceeded to take neo-prints:) PS: psst...Marin, Wesley still says you're more fun!:) ok now i shall do this quiz.

Besides your lips , where is your favourite spot to get kissed ?: nowhere?
How do you feel when you woke up this morning ?: fresh and energetic! lols,jkjk. LETHARGIC
Who was the last person you took a photo with ?: Jac&Wes!
Would you consider yourself to be spoilt ?: uh...ya, i think so:)
Would you ever donate blood ?: maybe...
Have you ever had a best friend who was of the opposite sex ?: ya. long, long, long time ago
Do you want someone dead ?: no
What does your last text message say ?: ' bro? Omg, you haf been slacking for the past 2 weeks, ya?'
What are you thinking of right now ?: i dun feel lyke doing ah ber's HW!
Do you wish someone was with you right now ?: ya, SAM&JINGYI!
What time did you go to sleep last night ?: 12plus?
Where did you buy the T-shirt you are wearing now ?: it was a gift, probably frm Malaysia
Is someone on your mind right now? : yea
Who was the last person to text you?: mk
10 people tagged to do this quiz :
Who is 2 having a relationship with ?: no one...i tink
Is 3 a male or a female ?: female
If 7 and 10 get together will that be a good thing ? : hahahahahaha:D it'll be okay...but they'll look...strange together.
What is Number 1 studying about ?: sec1 stuff?
Is Number 4 single?: nope, according to her blog
Say something about Number 2 ?: she's AWESOME but unfortunately, she supports DRUMSTICKS!!! noooooooo......
What do you think about 3 and 6 being together?: again, it'll be okay but they'll look strange together.lols
Describe Number 9 : he wears specs
What'll you do if 6 & 7 fight ?: laugh. if they do fight, it'll probably be hilarious.
Do you like Number 8 ?: as a friend, yes.
Pick 8 random friends you feel comfortable around(including yourself for Number 4):
4. ME
These 8 people you just picked are stuck in a house with you for a whole year.There is no leaving the house at all until the year is completely up.
There are 4 rooms, who would be in each room?: Room 1:me, sam& jingyi Room 2:sarah& khalisah Room 3:lowyu, shi quan& wei chieh Room 4: one...
If there was someone singing in the morning who would it most likely be: uh...i doubt any of them would actually SING
If someone was considered the dad and the mum of the house, who would it be: lowyu and sarah! haha:D, they're both the tallest:)))
If you wanted candy really badly and all 7 in the house had some, who would you take it from?: SARAH!
If two ppl were caught making out in a closet, who would it be?: EW...
If someone had to watch you brush your teeth (every) morning, who would it be? : reflection on the mirror??
Two bags of chips werebought at the store, but 20 mins later, they are gone. Who ate it? : erm...khalisah, me!:D
Who would hate being in the house the most? : dunno
Someone took (brand spanking new) pair of socks that were never worn, who is the thief? : sam! or shi quan...
If there were arguments in the house, who would be the ones arguing? : sarah and wei chieh! but i wouldn't call it a REAL fight, more like a "friendly squabble":D
Who would be the one missing their bf/gf that wasn't in the house?: i dunno
You walk down the stairs in the middle of the night for a glass of water, someone is dancing on the table in their Leopard Thongs, who is the crazy one? : a GHOST! ahhhh!
A pillow fight broke through, who started it?: me& and jingyi!!!:D
There's a marathon of your favourite TV show. What is it?: PROJECT RUNWAY!!
Who would be watching it with you? : all the girls:)
Someone made a fort in the laundry room, who were the kids? : ME! and maybe shi quan?
There are pranksters in the house who put plastic on the 2 toilets in the house, who are they?:me& shi quan& sam!
The music's too loud, who turned it up?: SAM!!!
There's a mouse crawling on the floor all over the house,
(a) Who's the first one to scream? SARAH!
(b) Who's the first one to jump in someone's arms? SARAH!
(c) Who would be the first one to kill it?: one of the guys...
Someone's crying, who is it?: i dunno...
And what happened?: dunno
Who made pancakes in the morning and almost caught the house on fire?: khalisah!
Who gets sick of each other the fastest in the house?: dunno
Someone's tanning on the roof, who is it?: uh...
Who is the tallest in the house?:either sarah or lowyu
Who's the shortest in the house?: shi quan
Who is the loudest?: shi quan
Who is the clown?: shi quan
Who is the most respectful?: SARAH
Who is the one you go talk to most?: sam:)
Who is the one who always comes up with stupid ideas?: ME!
Who's in bed first?: lowyu? i dunno...
If someone woke everyone up with pots and pans, who would it be?: shi quan?
Who is always dancing? : either sarah or jingyi
Someone has the same sweater as you, so you get mad at them, who is it?: wad??
You spilt ice all over the kitchen floor, who would be the one who slipped on it first?: me!

ok done. byebye:D
btw i noe this post looks really messy....

Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Posted by:VICTORIA!
Time: 3:37 PM
bored, again.
ok, today is THE most boring day of the june holidays(so far) EVER!!! im literally staring into space! well, at least i finally STARTED on the damn gan xiang thingy:)yay. finally found 6 faith class blog:)<-random. blablabla. i've been listening to Aerosmith and Queen recently. Aerosmith seriously rocks Hardcore!!!!!but Queen is nice too:) today i was driving every1 in the house CRAZY!!! becos i was laughing NON-STOP. haha. that was sorta fun:) ok nothing else to blog abt. bye.

P.S this post is a little random ya? but still not as random as the first post:)))

Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Posted by:VICTORIA!
Time: 3:09 PM
erm, first: HAPPY BIRTHDAY SHUEN!!!:D second: there is just way too much homework(for me)!! i dun tink i'll be able to finish everything in time!:( i detest homework. ok, im done posting now. bye:)

Monday, June 8, 2009
Posted by:VICTORIA!
Time: 7:07 PM
bored:) watching a horror movie: 'haunting of seacliff inn' though the scary part hasn't come yet, its kinda boring now...blablablablabla, oh wait! its getting scarier...OMG, wad the heck was that?! ok, that was just a old chair=.=" i was 'slacking' the whole day today...wokeup at 10am, watch tv until 11plus, went out and came home at around...4? den watch tv till now...didn't feel lyke doing any homework...still haf that damn gan xiang...DANG it. ok, shall watch that scary/boring movie now:)

Saturday, June 6, 2009
Posted by:VICTORIA!
Time: 10:32 AM
hihihi! lols...ok erm so yesterday went to meet my grp for the yog project thingy. we met to do research actually....but uh, we didn't do any research, heehee:) so first went to library to do 'research' but no internet connection but at least we did find some booksabt gymnastics. one of the books is soooooo fcking HEAVY!!! poor sarah had to carry it all the way home :(
so den went to mac to get internet connection. marin was cursing the poor laptop for abt half an hour while trying to get connection, i pity the laptop. sze min was WHACKING every single one of her fries to get rid of all the salt. poor little innocent fries. but seriously, fries are SUPPOSE to have salt!!!! i tried whacking the fries too but i failed miserably, guess im just not cut out to be a 'fries-whacker'....
den went to the playground to play GROUNDHOG!!! thank you jacqueline for teaching that awesome game to me! while playing, a few certain ppl accidently banged their heads on the wall, haha:D Sarah was hiding in a slide and was taking pix at the same time, wow. multi-tasker. Nadia was the catcher for a long while so sze min decided to help Nadia. awwww, kind sze min:))))
den went to my hse.on the way there, at the overhead bridge, Nadia really wanted to take a pic there but we were all so damn sweaty and soooooo unglam. so when she was just abt to take a pic, all of us turned away:D Sarah fell in love with my dog, toffee. she was playing with him for a reeeeeeeeaaalllly long time. den went on com, tried to help Marin change blog skin but we kinda ended up ruining it.....
uh...then we went down to the playground to get even more sticky:) and played groundhog again this time with a few other Malay kids. when we were abt to leave, saw this chi boy abt 10 yrs old, carrying a PLASTIC chain and shouting 'who wanna fight?!" he looked damn retarded, trying to act TOUGH. we were concocting a plan to beat him up, but decided otherwise cos we were afraid that he might run hme and tell his mama. lols...
den walked marin, nadia and sarah(sze min went hme already) to the bus stop and talkef with them while waiting for bus 2 cum.
that was a fun day.
PS did you see taylor swift on CSI??? it was too bad her damn 'mother' killed her in the end(in the show, duh)

Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Posted by:VICTORIA!
Time: 10:30 AM
The damn early bird
probably wondering why im posting so god damn early rite? well, THIS IS ALL MY DAMN BROTHER'S FAULT!!! i was sleeping soundly when all of the sudden, he screams into my ear! and dun worry, he'll PAY!!! so den i felt bored, and thus decided to blog. im still sort of half asleep considering going back to sleep but my maid already made the bed and she'll totally scream if i messed it up again. i dun understand why the heck do we have to make the bed when its onli gonna get messy again at night??? since im on the com already, i might as well go write my bloody speech got to go write a damn speech. yay. im so happy.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Posted by:VICTORIA!
Time: 2:04 PM
DAMN IT!! i hate hate hate hate hate going to get new specs!! hate it to the cores of all hate cores! when they ask me which lens is clearer A or B? im lyke: 'uh...B? oh wait, no A? oh no no wait, i think B is clearer. wait a sec, A is clearer i think....' and then the person will haf this really irratated look on his/her face! oh god....seriously! i wished i had purr-fect eye sight!!! life would be a whole lot easier! and den that same person will ask me to choose a spec frame and i'll be just as fickle-minded!! @#*&!!! oh and btw, when you finally see me in school, im going to look soooooooo retarded! i look lyke a bug-eyed FREAK! seriously, i look THAT bad! getting perfect eye sight will be at the very very top of my damn wish list! sigh* at least i got that over and done with:) oh and i've finished my damn book review already!!WOOTS!!!:))))) still have to make 2 more bloody speeches, that is soooooo suckish. I HATE THAT DAMN LIM AH BER!!!(btw haf you noticed that almost everyone in 1d has mentioned ah ber in their blogs?? wow. she is so popular.) why the hell does she have to gif us so much homework?? i HATE doing gan xiang!!! seriously, she sucks. i think even the tchrs in tk hate her as well...uh, so wadeva abt that damn chi tchr of mine. i <33333333333333 PROJECT RUNWAY!! its abt aspiring fashion designers who are suppose to design different kind of clothes for different occassions during each eposiode! i swear, this show is better than american idol(no offence to american idol fans out there:D) i luvie that show! i tink its even better than chicken wings! oh wait, no. chicken wings are still better!:)))))

Monday, June 1, 2009
Posted by:VICTORIA!
Time: 4:24 PM
OMG! i finally made a damn post! aft all these years!!! uh...a BIG shout out to JAC!! thx! thx! you are de best! tq for helping made this blog!(which apparently took super long to make) ppl out there, link please!!! oh feeling hyper now!! probably cos this god damn blog is finally FINISHED!!! WOOTS!!! lols...right now jac is torturing my bro's poor book! she tore a page! yes, she is very violent. omg!!! we ALMOST played hotel 626! but we chickened out in the end-.- cos jac said it was seriously she scared me as well... right now i feel lyke playing hotel 626 cos i seriously wan to find out why izzit so freaky!!! but at the same time, im too scared to find out. i noe it doesn't make much sense...-.-uh, so wadeva. I AM CURRENTLY BORED.
so since im extremely bored now, i shall type out random junk. Jac looks strange with ONE ponytail. Sarah gets scared easily. Khalisah has a sony ericsson phone.i lyke strawberry flavoured ice cream. CHICKEN WINGS ARE BETTER THAN DRUMSTICKS!!! ok, done. oh crap! im bored again! nooooooo! lols, being crazy here! btw, i've been talking to myself for te past few days. i must be losing it. o.o 'LOSING IT' is also a title of a really awesome book! blablabla...ok i shall spare you ppl frm reading another round of total crap. lols.


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