Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Posted by:VICTORIA!
Time: 2:04 PM
DAMN IT!! i hate hate hate hate hate going to get new specs!! hate it to the cores of all hate cores! when they ask me which lens is clearer A or B? im lyke: 'uh...B? oh wait, no A? oh no no wait, i think B is clearer. wait a sec, A is clearer i think....' and then the person will haf this really irratated look on his/her face! oh god....seriously! i wished i had purr-fect eye sight!!! life would be a whole lot easier! and den that same person will ask me to choose a spec frame and i'll be just as fickle-minded!! @#*&!!! oh and btw, when you finally see me in school, im going to look soooooooo retarded! i look lyke a bug-eyed FREAK! seriously, i look THAT bad! getting perfect eye sight will be at the very very top of my damn wish list! sigh* at least i got that over and done with:) oh and i've finished my damn book review already!!WOOTS!!!:))))) still have to make 2 more bloody speeches, that is soooooo suckish. I HATE THAT DAMN LIM AH BER!!!(btw haf you noticed that almost everyone in 1d has mentioned ah ber in their blogs?? wow. she is so popular.) why the hell does she have to gif us so much homework?? i HATE doing gan xiang!!! seriously, she sucks. i think even the tchrs in tk hate her as well...uh, so wadeva abt that damn chi tchr of mine. i <33333333333333 PROJECT RUNWAY!! its abt aspiring fashion designers who are suppose to design different kind of clothes for different occassions during each eposiode! i swear, this show is better than american idol(no offence to american idol fans out there:D) i luvie that show! i tink its even better than chicken wings! oh wait, no. chicken wings are still better!:)))))


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